Boosting Your Powers of Recall With Mnemonics, Senses and Emotions Research has shown that our memories are activated more strongly by images than words. A mnemonics an instructional strategy designed to help students to improve their memory of important information. This technique connects new learning to prior knowledge through the use of visual and/or acoustic cues.
The capacity of human brain in terms of computer storage is 2 Quintillion bits or in other words 200 Crore Giga Bytes. Simply put, if our brain were a video recorder recording every video and sound, then for the memory to be completely full, the video camera would have to run for 300 years.
The problem is not with the memory. The problem is with the storage system, or the indexing system of the brain which we hardly ever train. Although the information is very much there, due to our negligence of not labeling it properly before storing, we are not able to recall.
With the help of Mnemonics as a tool, the students who have to memorize large amounts of data, long answers, formulae, history dates just to name a few. The recall time using the technique of Mnemonics is reduced by half hence leaving the student a lot of time to cover extra topics and prepare additional things for the same exam.
Eligibility – Suitable and Ideal for kids between 6-15 years
Duration – 12 Hours full course divided in 6 days
Benefits :
1. Improves Memory
2. Improves concentration
3. Improves grades & mark
4. Helps Children with Dyslexia
5. Enhances Imagination
6. Sensory Stimulation
7. Retrieves Important Information
> Crack Your Entrance Exam
> Less study, more score
> Memorize a list of items
> Memorize Long answers
> Memorize Mathematics Formulae
> Memorize account/economics Formulae
> Live Stress free Life
> Memorize Periodic Table
> Memorizing History dates
> Memorizing Long digit Numbers
> Memorizing faces & Names
> Sharpen Your brain